Other cannabinoids, like as cbg, are beginning to pique the interest of academics and consumers as we continue to investigate the health advantages of cbd and THC.
Cbg and cbd may have many qualities, according to preclinical research. Both chemicals have ant oxidative, neuroprotective, and pain-relieving effects and are non-intoxicating. When used combined, cbd and cbg may provide substantial health advantages that are more evident than eating either cannabinoid alone.
But what exactly is the distinction between cbd and cbg? What distinguishes cbg from its cousin?
Let’s take a closer look at this.
What exactly is cbg?
Cannabigerol, one of approximately 115 cannabinoids contained in cannabis, is abbreviated as cbg. It was initially produced in 1964, and scientists have been studying its possible health advantages ever since. Cbg research is still in the early stages, but our present understanding of this cannabinoid shows that it has substantial medicinal promise.
Cbg may be more effective in reducing physical discomfort than THC without the euphoric high. Cbg may also have antimicrobial, antidepressant, and anti-cancer properties, according to study. Cbg is made from cannabigerol acid (cbga), which is its chemical precursor. Cbga is the mother of all cannabinoids, since it breaks down into cannabidiolic acid (cbda), cannabichromenic acid (cbca), and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (thca). The amount of cannabinoids in your strain is proportional to the ratio of cbg in your strain.
Cbga becomes cbg when cannabis is decarboxylated, allowing it to interact with the body’s cannabinoid receptors. Cbg is a partial agonist of both the cb1 and cb2 receptors, according to research. Cbg may also have an effect on the immune system, pain, and heat sensitivity receptors (3).
Cbd is classified as a minor cannabinoid since it is found in little amounts in cannabis plants. Cannabis cultivars with high cbg levels have been developed through selective breeding. Despite the fact that they are not yet widely available in the cannabis market, they are being produced on a big scale for scientific purposes. Cannabis with higher amounts of cbg will be easier to extract for medicinal purposes.
What exactly is cbd?
Cbd stands for cannabidiol, which is one of the most prevalent and well-studied cannabinoids in cannabis THC formula.
Cbd was originally extracted from cannabis in the late 1930s and then ignored until the 1970s, when its anticonvulsant qualities drew the attention of medical experts.
Since then, cbd research has progressed significantly. Pure cbd, such as epidiolex, an fda-approved anticonvulsant medication, has been shown to have tremendous potential as a therapy for treatment-resistant types of paediatric epilepsy. Cbd may also promote cognitive performance while improving immunological function, reducing physical pain, and stress management.
Numerous studies have shown that when cbd and THC are combined, they give more health advantages than when they are used alone. Cbd and cbg have a comparable interaction, which is referred to as the entourage effect.
Cbd has a variety of physiological interactions with the endocannabinoid system. It binds to various additional receptors that aren’t part of the endocannabinoid system and has a partial affinity for cb1 and cb2 receptors. Scientists have yet to fully comprehend the mechanism of action.